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5 Retail Display Ideas for Small Spaces

As the U.S. Women’s Gymnastics Team recently proved in Rio, just because you’re small doesn’t mean you can’t do great things! The same goes for your smaller retail space. Don’t think of your small store size as a limitation – especially when there are so many great ways to maximize space. Check out 5 of our favorite ideas for space efficient store displays.

    1. Maximize Your Floor Space
      Before you do anything else, make sure you’re taking advantage of every nook and cranny in your store! To get the most out of your floor space without making it look overcrowded, consider a straight retail floor plan. This means you’ll be using your walls, corners, and even countertops as spaces for floor displays and counter displays! Hang shelving units from the walls, and consider placing a custom retail display in the back corner of the store, filling it with a popular item so that shoppers are motivated to move throughout your space. That way, you’ll still be giving special items a little extra attention, while encouraging your shoppers to learn about new products they didn’t know they needed.

  1. Make It Seem Bigger
    Another one of our favorite ideas for retail displays for small spaces? Use the displays themselves to create small “aisles” and divisions within your store. Not only will this keep your space looking ultra-organized and clutter-free, it will also allow you to frequently switch things up with ease, moving displays from place to place throughout the year. It’s a five-minute makeover for your store!
  2. Open It Up
    One more of our favorite store display ideas is simpler than you may think. Open up your space. Windows can make a space seem larger, but if that’s not an option, you can make your own! To create more light, simply drape a gauzy curtain over a hanging mirror with a statement curtain rod. You’re decorating and opening up your space at the same time!
  3. Use Your Colors
    Another tip? To make things look more streamlined, try selecting displayed items that are neutral colors, like grays and whites. Then, make them pop by placing them up against a brightly-colored accent wall or adding small decor details like succulent plants or tiny string lights. It’s a great way to create different “sections” in your store!
  4. Everything is Illuminated
    If you’ve ever lived in a tiny apartment or starter home, you know how much of a difference good lighting can make. The same goes for your store. But you don’t just want to use a single source of light, like glaring overhead lamps which may illuminate your products but are sure to make customers feel like they’re back in the office. Instead, use multiple sources of light, including indirect lighting from small lamps, floor lighting to subtly direct shoppers, or even candles to suggest a relaxing atmosphere. You’ll see a change in the tone of your customers – and your profits – in no time.

Don’t sweat the small stuff – especially if it’s creating a floor plan for a smaller store. Remember, there are plenty of ways to open up your space, direct floor traffic, and create aisles and store sections without spending extra money on renting a larger space.

To start your own project, click here or contact us and we’ll help you with all your questions. We are also able to be reached via phone call at 1-866-244-2214.

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