Blog Archive : Category: Packaging Examples

Designing Displays Around Club Store Packaging Requirements

These days, everyone appreciates a good deal. That’s exactly why big-box club stores like Sam’s Club and Costco are more popular than ever. One of the ways these stores are able to cut down on costs? By eliminating excess packing material and waste, and handling costs. This means they have much stricter requirements than other shops when it comes to packaging. Wondering what it takes to create a Sam’s Club style display design and get your product packaged and into these warehouse giants? What about a Costco display design? Check out some basics on club store packaging requirements to get …

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Posted in In-Store Display Tactics, Packaging Examples

What Are Primary And Secondary Packaging?

Packaging is an umbrella term that includes products and solutions that serve different purposes in displaying and transporting products. Depending on the packaging you use, you can protect your products, display relevant information, extend items’ shelf life, promote your brand and optimize your presence in the store. Let’s explore why packaging matters, whether you’re launching a new product that’s almost ready to go to market or revamping and rebranding an old one.  What Can Packaging Do for Your Product? Each layer of packaging in the supply chain serves several functions, including safety, security, engaging designs, improved designs and enhanced usability. However, packaging’s …

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Posted in Display and Packaging Design, Packaging Examples