Blog Archive : Category: Printing, Manufacturing, and Product Pack-Out

Display Printing Methods

The average human attention span is only about 8 seconds long, down from about 12 seconds in 2000. For businesses, this means you may only have a handful of seconds to catch someone’s eye before they breeze past your display and you lose the opportunity for a sale. Eye-catching displays can encourage them to slow down a little and give you enough time to entice them to buy. The important part is choosing a display printing method that meets both your time and quantity needs. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more common display printing methods and …

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Posted in Printing, Manufacturing, and Product Pack-Out

Temporary vs. Permanent Displays

Displays are integral in brick-and-mortar retail. Countless businesses compete for customer attention, so you must stand out and show the advantages of what you sell. One way to do this is with permanent or temporary point-of-purchase displays. Custom POP displays can benefit your retail strategy in many ways, including grabbing customer attention and increasing profits and brand awareness. This guide will review the differences between permanent and temporary displays to help you determine which one is better for your products. (more…)

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Posted in Display and Packaging Design, Printing, Manufacturing, and Product Pack-Out